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Stream Schedule Changes, Art Stuff & General Updates

Hello again :D Here to give just a heads up of my current online activity and ideas I have for the near future. This whole post was revised minimally, so any grammatical mistakes, repetitions and everything taught in school that you find has been thrown out the window as I type this half asleep just to get this out. Any questions you may have send them through Twitter or Discord.

So far, I've been enjoying my life quite a bit since it feels really laid back. So right now, my state of mind is half at peace and half stress with an attic of anxiety. Still a lot going on in the background, but keeping it positive for myself, for my sanity 8D There has been an unusual flow of support in the past weeks I haven't had in such a long time, so I wanted to take this opportunity to promote my $1 Sketch Commissions again. It's already mid-way month, so there's only two and a half weeks left to take advantage of this sale! Brought it back again to help me with the care of kittens, having 9 cats with no backyard is harsh XD The funds will be mainly used for food, then vet care, litter and toys while the kittens get adopted. Check it out on my previous post :D I'm still open for commissions of any type while I technically still have time, so take advantaaaaaaage >:D

A mess of things in a stream screen.
A mess of things in a stream screen.

I've recently been affiliated on Twitch! There's so much that i can add to my channel now, it'll keep me busy for a while :D I've been more motivated to do things lately, and couldn't have reached it without my guildmates <3 They've been more supportive than I thought they'd be about it, and seriously appreciate them for it T T However, just as always that I try to get myself active online, something bigger comes up - I got offered a position that will take most of my weekday daylight time. So I won't be able to do the usual 4pm anymore, and while I can try to stream late nights before bed time I don't know what my stream schedule will be until I figure it out for the next two weeks. Fortunately, out of that new schedule I'll have 3 days off so I can guarantee something for the weekend mornings to early evenings if I don't stream for most of the week. As always, Twitter and Discord will be the main sources to find out if I'm streaming or if there's any changed to the plan.

Out of all platforms I have accounts on, I want to organize everything on my Discord for more activity there. Add more roles, activities, perks, and all that :D There are so many things that have been added for a server, I need time to figure things out and use best practices for it. Also, if someone knows if there's a post scheduler (mainly for image posting) that will let me post images directly into a server let me know, I have yet to find one that is not about posting in one social media platform to push-post with a link on Discord. Another thing that my mind wouldn't let go for a week - I made a new name for my Vtuber model instead of my usual aliases, set up new accounts for it. I still need to create a lot of art for it, it should be coming in the following months as I get busier by the week. Not like I know I'm gonna make it big, like hell I let myself believe that. I've streamed for years and I really doubt having a Vtuber of any kind will change anything. However, at least if I do decide to make it a thing, regardless the status of my Twitch has, I have the accounts to switch over bit by bit and change my streamer info. Not confident enough on a debut. Stay tuned on my Twitter for that one.

That's all the updates for now, I go slep as much as I can zzzzzzz

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