Hello people that might still be around here to either claim for a drawing I owe them or out of boredom. Anxious clumsy insomniac is my middle name and... so I know I got some explaining to do for my inactivity everywhere except for reposting on Facebook. I know my activity slowed down at the start of fall semester, completely stopped by the end of September because I got unknowingly transferred to another further store (because missing a single day of work for the sake of an exam does that despite how much slave-work it is, will explain that later) and then a second better paying job by the beginning of December.
To start, I failed the semester. I ended up missing too many classes due to sickness not worth a doctor's visit but not worth spending my energy looking alive (just colds and exhaustion really). I'm not sad about it since I now understand Cardcaptor Sakura and other anime like 75% now due to it but the class had a lot of tedious homework I couldn't be bothered with learning all of it trying to get sleep.
Next, my job: About to get 3 yrs working there in a few months and not get another MEANINGFUL raise (he would say the yearly minimum raise was THE raise half-jokingly but never did otherwise), so I could have cared less if the business burned down. Put it like this: every time I had a semester I asked for 2 days off (Mon & Wed or Tue & Thur) for it and asked only night hours to get things done in the morning and get enough sleep (because my family's sleeping schedule is fucked up but at least their ruckus ended between midnight and 2 am so I was only able to sleep by then). He still had me go in early in the morning on one of those days without caring that I worked till midnight the night before. The one day I had a test that we were slammed with immense amount of order the night prior I called out first time ever not due to an illness 4 hours before hand he decides it was enough reason to transfer me to another store. So no, apparently I wasn't slaving myself enough to merit what I asked for before hand. Atop of extra work because of those stupid fucking tablets, no extra breaks, restriction on restroom, no benefits and false promises with raises. And he still had the audacity to ask for more. I would explain more but I feel like this thing I'm writing will become convoluted with straying complaints based on personal grudge than factual so I'll leave that part of history here. Fast forward to the transferred store. As the day progresses it gets worse mainly due to the morning manager wanting to be bossy and not want to work extra for the sake of the later shifts' crew, and her need to do things at speed-over-quality mentality. Sometimes there is nothing done extra for the rest of the day to go smoothly (apparently going a few 100$ over the average day is too much for the morning), boss doesn't order things correctly or solves issues without getting his feelings involved, and there's never ever EVER enough people (specifically one cook that doesn't seem to care if he got fired since he has gotten himself drunk during his shift and almost fucked with people's orders). So in the end of it all other than added problems nothing changed (whenever family gets involved nothing gets done correctly or fights for their lack of doing things correctly, just that now I'm stuck avoiding morning time at all costs). I don't mind being told what to do, but if it's simply to be lazy and have everyone else do the dirty work I'd rather have them feel indignation than be the pet again.
Third, the second job. My friend notified me of an opening going into November, I applied and waited with no hope because even when recommended I never got another job other than the current one (I'm not an impressionable person or a "people person", those who have met me know). Got the call however and got the training with no interview. Just above 13$/hr, true benefits, heavier work, with fewer hours so I could just quit my first job and still earn about the same. Despite the dubious amount of hours a week, I'm much happier with it even if people miss out or that I have to work a few more minutes. The only thing is, I don't know how guaranteed I am to keep it as I don't know how well I'm actually doing (they don't actually tell you anything until one knows what to ask). That being said, I don't get enough sleep at a time trying to keep both at the moment. I only have like 4 - 5hrs of sleep before the next job and then 2 -4hrs before starting the cycle again, sometimes less cuz my dad could care less of who's sleeping sometimes to talk out loud or go about shaking the apartment closing the restroom door just outside the bedroom.... Otherwise, I'd be happy with just the second one.
It'll be a while till I'm sure I'm back to doing my thing online again and finish what I owe.
UPDATE 2/14: I'll be quitting the job I got transferred to in 2 weeks since I got the second job (less hours and still slightly more earnings in comparison), so I'll have much more freedom on March to finish everything I have yet to upload and time to genuinely chill before looking for a new job. And I swear to fucking Haruhi if I get a single moment where my managers try to convince me to stay longer just cuz a cook quit, I'll be damned by them if I demand more myself after 3 years of giving more than the owners deserve - just so that they think I'm not worth keeping anymore and leave me alone in the meantime.